Shantibarta Foundation

Scholarship Distribution Program 23-24

In observance of International Women’s Day on March 8th, 2024, the SHANTIBARTA FOUNDATION has organized a Scholarship distribution program to the needy candidates and celebrates for women’s rights and equality around the world.

Shantibritti / শান্তিবৃত্তি– SBF has introduced this program to provide financial assistance to the meritorious students having meagre family income, to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies. A panel of experts has finalized the list for the scholarship after thoroughly scrutinized the application which was received online.
This year, SBF scholarship amount of ₹1,06,800 has been distributed to nine meritorious students. Besides that, assistance of books is being provided on need basis. SBF wishes all the very best for their future endeavor.

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