Shantibarta Foundation

Welcome to Shantibarta Foundation

About Us

Our Story

Shantibarta Foundation makes its mark as a value-driven Non-Government Organisation. We are proud to state that our efforts are streamlined by our zeal to serve humanity. We are not motivated by any mere political gains.

We are fortunate to have a squad of dedicated wordsmiths whose absolute goal of life is to serve humanity in the best way possible. Thus, they are ready to go out of their way and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who really need our help in life.

Our workers bet their whole life to bring out sincere and selfless service in order to cater the light of education, bring solace to the needy, and provide relief work whenever it is required.

Our foundation is in an effort to motivate people with a reassuring fact. It is just that we are always there when they need us. Age, religion, and gender doesn’t make any difference to us. If you too share the vibes which run in our sinews, we would like to welcome you into our family. Together we stand strong and look forward to a much better tomorrow.

Our Mission

The focus of our organization is on the social work done by the organization. It is slated to help the weaker sections of the present-day society. It primarily works for the weak, poor, and needy part of society.

Our Vission

As it regards the enriched vision of the Shantibarta Foundation, there are three key points which are supposed to be the core part of our motto… It’s health, education, and relief work. We choose to specifically work in these three areas. As it regards our field of work,it’s Kolkata and the adjacent areas or suburbs.


Certificate of Incorporation

Articles of Association (AOA)

Memorandum of Association (MOA)

Words From People

Pitam Mukherjee, Paschime Medinipur
I am proud to be a volunteer for a life-changing organisation. Truly, charity changes not just the lives of the people on the receiving end, but also the lives of the people on the giving end. The following quote from Mahatma Gandhi perfectly sums up how I feel about charity: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Arman Ali, Newtown, Kolkata

Shantibarta Foundation is truely trying to make a change and help in the cause of providing value, support for the under privileged and the needy. Being a True member i am very happy and rather intrigued by the hands on work, dedication with proper planning is put by Shanti Barta Foundation Team which is quite remarkable & commendable.

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Shantibarta Bank Account Details:

A/C Name- Shantibarta Foundation
A/C No.- 921020001231476
IFSC Code: UTIB0004480

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