Shantibarta Foundation

Welcome to Shantibarta Foundation


A Ray of Hope for the Deserving Students

Scholarship Application Form

    A) General Information:

    1. Full Name:

    2. Date of Birth:

    3. Phone Number:

    4. Reservation Class:

    5. Are you the first to attend university in your family?:

    6. How did you hear about this Scholarship?:

    7. Has anyone in your family received a scholarship from Shantibarta Foundation?:

    8. Already received any Other financial support/Scholarship:

    9. Name of scholarship or financial help being received and its value in Rs./Year (including loan):

    B) Educational Qualification (In %):

    School Name:


    (Please upload your marksheets)
    (filetypes: jpeg|jpg|pdf & file limit: 1mb)


    (Please upload your marksheets)
    (filetypes: jpeg|jpg|pdf & file limit: 1mb)


    (Please upload your marksheets)
    (filetypes: jpeg|jpg|pdf & file limit: 1mb)

    C) Contact Details:

    1. Present Address:



    Pin code:

    Email Id:

    2. Permanent Address:



    Pin code:

    D) Family Information:

    Family Phone Number:

    Gross Family Income:

    E) Degree Program Interest:


    Degree Program Interest Others(Optional):

    Attach Profile Photo:

    (Please upload your Passport Size Photograph)
    (filetypes: jpeg|jpg|png & file limit: 1mb)


    I, hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct. If any information is found to be falsified, all benefits awarded to me by the Shantibarta Foundation will be withdrawn and legal action may be taken as necessary.


    Be a part of the change & fill in the donation form with the required information.

    Once we recieve your details, we will reach you & share our account credentials!

    Shantibarta Bank Account Details:

    A/C Name- Shantibarta Foundation
    A/C No.- 921020001231476
    IFSC Code: UTIB0004480

    Detailed Solution

    Please fill the form request form to get

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